Getting Started#


It is reccomended to install the package in a virtual environment.

# python version depends
# on the globally installed python
python -m venv redsun-env


# for Windows...
# ... command prompt

# ... powershell
conda create -n redsun-env python=3.9
conda activate redsun-env
mamba create -n redsun-env python=3.9
mamba activate redsun-env

The package available on PyPI. You can install it via the following command in your active environment:

pip install -U redsun

Alternatively, you can install by locally cloning the repository:

git clone
cd redsun
pip install -e .


Building the documentation#

If you have cloned the repository locally, you can build the documentation by running the following command:

cd docs
make html

# for windows
make.bat html

You can then inspect the documentation in the docs/_build/html directory by opening the index.html file in your browser.

Running tests#

If you have cloned the repository locally, you can run tests via pytest as follows:

pip install -e .[dev]


You can get a report of test coverage via the comand:

pytest --cov=redsun --cov-report=html

This will generate a coverage report in the folder htmlcov. You can inspect the report by opening the index.html file in your browser.